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What The Press Is Saying...


"Amy Heller pushes cyanotypes towards the future in her transformation of its usual two dimensions into three-dimensional objects." 
- The Provincetown Independent


"Her more recent, increasingly nuanced works veer from traditional cyanotype printmaking in fresh ways and shine a light into that mystery. In a series of terrific prints on silk mounted on light boxes, she layers negatives, positives (such as a trailing sprig of seaweed, a nod to Atkins), and more to create lusciously aqueous fields." 


Liminal Jellyfish is as vividly vertical as a classical Chinese landscape painting — a force in Chinese art through several dynasties. It’s easy to see a craggy mountain and a storm-tossed sky here, but [Amy] Heller’s rippling, sun-bleached emulsion and the moire effect of layered silk make that association deliquesce into an intimate undersea experience, complete with passing jellyfish disquietingly close to the surface." 

- The Boston Globe

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